Do You Feel Pressure or Do You Apply Pressure? – Ben’s Blog

Why Project Managers Should read this: Do you ever feel overwhelmed or under competent? I know I do, and I really appreciated the tactics in this article.

The basic concept in the article is that anyone in a position of responsibility (i.e. Project Managers) either feel pressure or apply pressure. What this means is that if you are feeling overburdened by the responsibilities assigned to you, start delegating! Which at first sounds like every other article you have read on this, almost patronizing in how they explain how simple it is to solve all of your problems. But what is different about this article is how the author walks through different scenarios and gives advice on how to deal with them.

Translation guide: So again this is another article written for “CEOs”, but as I said in an earlier post, everyone is the CEO for what they are responsible for. So when reading this article replace “CEO” with “Project Manager” and “Executive” with “Architect” or “Contractor” or even the generic “Stakeholder”.

Read it now: Do You Feel Pressure or Do You Apply Pressure? – Ben’s Blog

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